We want people to see the dress, but focus on you
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SIRIUS Dance Fashion
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SIRIUS Dance Fashion
Новые готовые платья
Стильная и удобная одежда для тренировок.
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Тренировочная одежда
Стильная и удобная одежда для тренировок.
We are a new association of creative people united by a single idea of ​​creating dance costumes based on the INDIVIDUAL IMAGE of each of our Clients. The image of an athlete, embodied in the Suit. A costume created on the basis of an Image. It resembles the star Sirius. How
Sirius is a double star revolving around a single center, and the Costume and Image are two components of a single one, in the world of dance and dance sport.
We firmly believe that every athlete is, first of all, an Individual who needs an Individual approach.
Look like Sirius
Be an Individual
Be yourself
Design is the basis of any of our products. It's not just a drawing. This is the idea of ​​the suit. This is the spirit and personality of the athlete put on paper. Therefore, it is this stage that is very important in creating the unique Image of an athlete. An image that allows you to distinguish exactly you among many others.


At the stage of the entire production, we use only high-quality materials and elements that most accurately allow us to embody the idea of ​​the Suit.


Suits are the result of our joint work. Costumes that attract the eyes of the audience. And Images….. Bright Images that remain in the hearts of people for a long time.
Design is the basis of any of our products. It's not just a drawing. This is the idea of ​​the suit. This is the spirit and personality of the athlete put on paper. Therefore, it is this stage that is very important in creating the unique Image of an athlete. An image that allows you to distinguish exactly you among many others.
At the stage of the entire production, we use only high-quality materials and elements that most accurately allow us to embody the idea of ​​the Suit.
Suits are the result of our joint work. Costumes that attract the eyes of the audience. And Images….. Bright Images that remain in the hearts of people for a long time.

Feedback from our clients

  • Olga


    Very talented, courageous and insanely patient employees work in the SIRIUS Dance fashion design studio. What is very important, they really deeply understand the dance sport. Any of my questions (sometimes not quite “on the topic”) will definitely be answered calmly and in detail. And not only on the costume, but also on any dance issue. It's a pleasure to work with professionals. Thank you very much for the dress, and for the advice, and for a bunch of everything useful. I will definitely return to you.”

  • Svetlana


    Turning to the design studio "SIRIUS Dance fashion" I did not really hope for the declared individual approach. Imagine my surprise when, when contacting us, we started not with taking measurements and standard questions, but with watching and analyzing my child’s dance, his strengths and perspectives. Based on this, a sketch and image of the costume was developed, which was embodied in the final product. Moreover, with high quality and within the stated time. Which is very important to me, given my past experience.

  • Anna


    Atmosphere. Atmosphere of kindness and openness. That's what captivates already at the first contact with SIRIUS Dance fashion. You are truly a CLIENT here. It's not only smiles, not only tea and coffee, it's a special feeling and understanding that your interest and desire to be memorable and stand out on the floor find proper understanding and comprehensive support. And, of course, the very idea and embodiment of the costume. The flexibility and openness of SIRIUS is amazing... The guys value their reputation and are interested in the success of each costume no less than its customers. And, perhaps, the most important thing: they treat the implementation of each project creatively, enthusiastically solving any creative task.

  • Sergey

    We have friendly and partnership relations with SIRIUS. My partner and I designed and made more than one suit. And this was marked by an exorbitant number of likes on the network. I am sure that costumes played a significant role in our victories.

  • Alexander

    The warmest feelings remained from cooperation with SIRIUS. What surprised me the most was the painstaking work of the designer. When creating the image, we considered a lot of options, all our wishes, all our requirements were taken into account, and in the end we got exactly those images that our fans like so much (they have repeatedly noted this), and we ourselves like it very much))).

© 2023 SIRIUS Dance fashion
  • +7 (915) 374-08-11